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Quite a lot accomplished today.
I got the flippin’ stereo to work in the van. NEVER buy anything that has an Infinity sound system. What a nightmare. It should have been a 20 minute job, not 3 days. (9 hours total)
Made a trip to Lowe’s for molding and scored a new bathroom sink on clearance for $1.98, (from $38).
I got two ceilings painted.
I finally got around to taking th door to the garage off to clean and properly stain it. I even got one side finished.
I primered the moldings around the doors in the entry way.
I even remembered to eat something. at lunch time. I just discovered that i forgot dinner.

With Melissa in Missouri, the cat has taken to sleeping on my head, and the dog pretty much on my feet instead of her usual at my legs. Except for Thursday night. The dog slept at my head and the cat slept on my legs. I eventually got the dog moved, but the cat decided that it was important to sleep on my legs, and grab on when I tried to kick him off. Between the grabbing and sleep math conversion of weight, (9 pound cat = 50 pounds) I let him be…until he decided to kneed my groin. 50 lb cat = 1 lb dart. although I wonder…