It seems that at some point My smb.conf file got screwed up. It amazes me how things happen when the computer is off. I figure that when I did the yum update Samba was updated. In any event some security feature got turned on.
I spent the better part of the evening trying to figure out what happened. I finally backed up the old file and created a new file. It was a lot like Christianity. It worked at first, but then permissions got in the way and there was a real mess.
I really need to change the server to Debian instead of Fedora Core. I like it a little better and it seems to run a little smoother in GUI mode. There also seems to be a lot more help available, and general instruction rarely seem to have specific changes for Debian users like there are for Fedora.
Hrm, Maybe I’ll do just a basic Slackware install…
So no work on the house tonight. That’s OK, I want to get back to reading the book. :-)