Heading South to move North.

Been held back on the house repairs since Saturday because I somehow threw out my back. This has given me a lot of time to do a lot of useless things that I’ve been putting off. Update the server. which didn’t go so well and turned into a recreate the server type deal.I tried to fix a video issue I was having, got myself lost in where I was, and never could get xorg to run with a mouse and keyboard. In the end it was just as well as I now have a nice clean system. I also have gone through and cleaned up a lot of duplicate files for our book database.

Mostly I’ve been looking at houses in Seattle online. and have found a lot of different crime/police call maps. North Seattle it is! Which is just as well as it’s closer to the Bothell Campus for Melissa to commute.  Houses in the price range of what we want to spend have not been easy to find. It looks like we are going to have to move up to $230-$250,000 to get a decent house in a decent neighborhood. By that I mean quieter. Not in the Flight path of SeaTac, Not a high traffic area from Boeing. or drive bys, or other issues. Not that Seattle has a lot of any of that, just more than we’re used to.  It’ll probably be better to live outside of town for a while anyhow. at least until the neurotic dog kicks it. Then we’ll probably look into moving Downtown or something.