I’m renaming this house the Irish Rover.

Because T.A.R.D.I.S. is too infinite.

I cannot get over how much stuff we have accumulated in this house. The big problem is; that except for knick-knacks, we really don’t have much we don’t use on regular basis. Both of us have been getting rid of junk over the last 10 years, but it breeds. We have tossed, recycled/sold/donated so much electronics, clothing, furniture… Now as we slowly fix the house, and get rid of more stuff, thins are cropping up all over.

The hard one is going to be the kitchen. Some rooms we can easily pack shit away for a few months until we are settled and moved, but the kitchen is not really one of them. There are certainly a lot of thing we can put away for a while, but it isn’t going to be all that much compared to the bag of holding that is the main cabinet area. There must be 3,145 plates, big, small, and medium. 40 coffee cups, 200 plastic drinking cups, and silverware. I know for a fact that there are at least 1,000 forks, 1,000 knives, and 20 spoons. One good thing is I’m fairly sure that we can get rid of the 666 unholy ergonomic corn cob holders. It will be nice not to get stabbed in the silverware drawer.

We are going to redo the kitchen to make it easier to sell the house. It currently looks like this.

Old Kitchen

It’s basically a galley kitchen with an open wall where there should be cabinets, and a wall where there should be an opening and laid out so that it resembles nothing of a galley kitchen and has all the functionality of John Holmes on cocaine. We’ve added cabinets cheaply as we could to make space because we intended to completely gut the kitchen. That was the first thing we were going to do when we moved in. Nearly 12 years ago. The Irish Rover has had so many holes in her hull that we’ve been using it to make shaved ice in the winter, and noodles in the summer. I will admit to many times wanting to set her off to sea in a blaze of glory, giving her a good Viking funeral, but I’ve always figured there were so many leaks, she’d just put herself out.

So We are just going to sell the bitch. To do this we need to re-do the kitchen to something resembling normal. This is like putting Sephora products on a $10 hooker. Luckily Home  Depot currently has a 20% off in-stock cabinets, and the Rover was built in the 80’s to standard California measurements. If only she had been built for northern climate. There is not much we need to modify. Just a pantry and a soffit. So instead of Sephora, we have Avon.

New CabinetsSo after 3 trips to the BORG, we have a garage full of new cabinets. Today I have the job of starting to unload her holds and attempt to make it so we can still live in the house. And do laundry and dishes.


For those that don’t understand the heading:

Irish Rover

and here: The Blaggards version.