Nearly Done

So the house is coming closer to close. In a severe calendar malfunction I now have until Wed to get all the things done that require tools. Tonight I got the transition piece for the wood floor to the hall carpet , and the trim for the sliding back door cut, sanded, and one coat of finish on. I’ll get another coat on in the morning, and one more at lunch. At least that is the plan. I probably will have a clock malfunction with my luck.

Library Trim

This weekend I will strip the failed trim pieces for the library shelves and hopefully get to cut the last of the trim pieces that have never been made. I hope to be sanding by Monday.  The rest of the house painting two rooms. This will go a lot easier once the stuff is moved out of the house anyhow so it all works out for the best.  :-)

Melissa is ‘enjoyin’ the heat wave in Tacoma. I am cursing the rain here in Anchorage. The unrelenting rain. on the plus side the flowers that have actually bloomed look awesome.


We have an apartment in Tacoma. I hear it’s nice. I haven’t seen it. With Melissa gone I have taken advantage of the situation. Today I disconnected the land line that only rings with a legitimate call once every few months. I also stole her monitor.  Actually I stole her monitor within an hour of her leaving. Such a rebel.