And now for something completely different

So there’s been this thing I’ve wanted to do since moving to Ruston. Those of you following the social media accounts (There are links above, to the left) probably know that the thing was to walk from the house, to downtown Tacoma. I did that this morning. There was a small issue, I got the bright idea to do it today AFTER I’d already walked for an hour and a half on the treadmill. This really was more of an issue, than a problem. When I got to Tacoma, I really didn’t have too many more steps than I have on a given weekend day, only it was only 8 something in the morning.

Well around lunchtime I noticed I was only 16,000 steps shy of making 100,000 steps for the week. In my infinite infallible wisdom I thought to myself, you took Friday off, AND Tuesday off this week. This would also make it so you beat you personal daily record of 30,000 in a day, you should do it. So I did.

What myself neglected to mention is that I am roughly 10 years older (give or take) and also 30 pounds heavier (just take). I realized this about an hour ago, 2500 steps.

Did I make a mistake? Likely, yes. Yes very much probably so. BUT! maybe I’ll sleep well tonight and sleep in tomorrow?

Those of you that have been following for a while, or even know me personally know that I am not, in general, an active person. I do like to walk, but… Below is data for the other sick and mentally depraved that are curious about the actual stats that this creates. For the record I think I burned 5.499827 kWh. That a small LED bulb for an hour, but I am tired, and my maths are likely off.

I'm fucking tired definitely, fucking tired I fucking WALKED to the Airport! REALLY REALLY FUCKING TIRED

Thank you and good night. I have to start laundry now.