I was so looking forward to today. Another day off and only one meager Doctor appointment. Physical Therapy for my jaw. Nice and simple. The idea was to lounge about, go to PT, then work on the window seat.
2.5 out of 3 ain’t bad.
I’ve been over-compensating. my jaw, the others are another post entirely ;) Apparently your front teeth are ever so slightly supposed to touch, while the molars don’t. I’ve been doing kind of this slack-jaw yokel thing. The good news is that it helped my jaw not want to clench on my molars. That now feels very uncomfortable. The bad news is that currently nothing feels comfortable and every muscle in my head aches. I can actually feel the muscles that connect to my ears, nose, eyes and jaw. I am currently also very aware of my teeth. Kind of like after you get a cleaning. It is quite annoying really. I think I was better off blissfully ignorant of all this. Like before we quit smoking. So far the coons have seriously out weighed the pros on all this. Any money we may have saved has been spent on Doctors. Don’t even get me started on what the, Organ Dr. charges.
So I got one piece of trim semi trued, and part of the top gluing. It was at that time I realized how annoying being fully aware of my head is so I decided it was enough for now.
Maybe it’s just some strange sensory overload week.
Got pulled over for not having a seatbelt on (I had one on). People were just strange at work all Week. Then yesterday after work on my way home from getting the new antibiotic for the dog I watched a USAF Sergeant dump over on his Crotch Rocket. He was hardly even going when it dumped him. Near as we can figure is he hit the freshly laid road mark just right. What really got me was that he ended in the middle of two lanes. I stopped at an angle so no one would try to get around me and end up running him over. Everyone else in cars drove around. Including up onto the sidewalk. Some pedestrians helped get the bike picked up and over to the parking lot. I gave him my cell to call his wife to come get him. I called Melissa to tell her I was going to be late, and waited with him until his wife arrived.
Reviewing the week has made me very tired. Maybe I should go have a lie-down.