Comic Cast

The motley crew

Paddy Pogue

Not much is known about Paddy at this time. What we do know is that he's been wandering around for a very long time. He has recently hitched back to Tacoma, WA from parts unknown.


50ish 40ish, semi-employed.


Just awesome.


Lovable Hemorrhoid. She will be missed very, very much.


He's a cat. Anything I had use to describe him will have been held in the greatest disdain. He was just going to do what he damned well pleased.


Voice from beyond the 4th wall, and past the 12th door on the left. With a voice like Patrick Stewart run through a grinder, like a conscience he is ignored by most. Manipulated by a few.

Mr Freddy Rubenbottom

Mr Freddy Rubenbottom was originally from Victoria, BC (For our American readers, that's in Canada, but almost Washington State. The west coast. Yes it is a state. So are Alaska and Hawaii) Mr Rubenbottom's father was a proper English gentleman and his Scottish mother, was not. Mr Rubenbottom is also very serious, yet somehow you always hear "Yakkity Sax" playing in the background whenever he is near.

Mrs Paula Metiche

We really don't know all that much about Mrs Metiche but she as hell know everything about everyone else in the neighborhood. What we heard is that she moved back into the house to take care of her elderly mother; and when she passed, just never moved out. We are also very aware that it is indeed "Mrs." Not "Ms", not "Miss", and never ever "Paula". No one seems to have ever seen Mr Metiche, and there is only ever enough trash put out for one; barely. The children say that on warm summer days her yard smells like a dead raccoon. It's probably just the Douglas Nightshade she has in the yard.


Random house bat because there is such a thing now. He's the most famous bat you've never heard of. He was a model on and off for centuries. Possibly even millennia, but since he doesn't have a true concept of time, or time of day, we'll never really know for sure. Besides, he's probably just making it all up as he goes along anyhow.