Chained to a desk somewhere

So It’s currently Saturday. I’ve just finished week 3 of working from home due to COVID-19. I’m actually liking it. Oddly I’m finding I’m more productive at home than at the office. The cat seems to enjoy the extra company. The spouse has been working from home quite a bit longer. We barely leave the house, which is not much different really. Just date night consists of a quick run to get take out form our favorite local restaurants instead of going out to sit at converse.

Health wise we’ve both had our energy drained for a while now. She recovering form surgeries, and be fighting what we hope is still just a major sinus infection. EVERYTHING SMELLS LIKE SMOKE COMING FROM A SITTING CIGARETTE. and my face constantly hurts, and I’m forgetful every once in a while. Like leaving the burner on forgetful. I haven’t had the energy to work in the shop since last summer, maybe earlier? I picked at it a little today :-)

The Cat thinks she’s a dog. Not only does she fetch, the other day I caught her growling out the window at the neighbor. I think she was trying to bark.