comic-easel tweaks

I played around with the layout a little bit. With any luck the layout isn’t so big that it doesn’t fit into most browsers. I wasn’t happy with the size of the comic in relation to the text size on screen. many times it’s hard to make out the text without clicking on the comic to enlarge it.  I also wasn’t happy with one character trailing off onto a second line when they were all displayed in the side panel. It makes the layout a bit off kilter, but somehow that seems appropriate. :-)

Added an archive page and a separate character page, and removed the chapter navigation in the menu-bar.

I managed to get the transcriptions to put the character in bold to make it a bit easier to read. Now I just need to figure out how to remove the bullet points on either edge. I like the old computer paper look, it just doesn’t really fit with the theme I’ve developed.

also having trouble with a bunch of extra space showing up on the right in mobile browsers for some reason.

with any luck, WP will get the publicize feature of Jetpack fixed so that it will allow publicizing of custom fields so that I can stop manually posting update notifications and maybe there’ll be more of a use for the email feature.

I apologize for the issues.