As it is, I'm slowly starting back up. I've got a series of photos I took way back in April that I'm using. I hope to get a bit of a buffer going before this actually publishes. If not, no worries, it isn't like I market the site or anything. I just quietly write in my own little corner of the internet and watch all the spam bots hit the pages.
Patrick: What are you doing?
Paddy: Waiting for the new character to show up
Patrick: Um, OK, Why?
Paddy: It's been nine months since the last real comic
Paddy: I assumed you were trying to hide your pregnancy belly, but didn't want all the pics to have couches in them like on the telly
Patrick: Me?
Paddy: yeah
Patrick: You know it's impossible for me to have a child, right?
Paddy: Oh shit! I'm so sorry, I didn't know