It's been hot here. The shed really is made out of Tupperware, Rubbermaid or whatever brand petroleum product it is. It now looks very funky as we didn't want to build a new one just yet but needed the thing to work. It was not how I intended to spend my Saturday and Sunday, but it seems I'm really good at putting off this bookcase weather I want to or not. On the plus side we now know what kind of shed we want, where to put it and roughly how much it's going to cost to build.
Paddy: You JUST had this cleaned up
Patrick: Well I was trimming the blackberry vines back this morning before it got too hot out
Paddy: Before? It was like 75 already
Patrick: yeah well it needed doing
Paddy: I would've come out to help
Patrick: I thought I'd better not risk it
Paddy: HEY!
Patrick: When I went to open the shed door, I discovered it had melted off of it's hinges
Paddy: yeah, but I coul...
Patrick: the Rubbermaid, plastic shed
Paddy: Oh. but I would've been awesome as the wicked witch
Patrick: yeah, once