Like everyone else on this planet, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. I don't fake it very well either. It's going on over a year that I started planning for the bookcases. In my head there are probably 30 different designs. None of which were really what we needed, but what I wanted to try to do that were not really all that practical for the sitting area upstairs.
Narrator: You could sit in the garage and just talk with him while he works. He seems frustrated
Paddy: Oh that he is. Every time he tries to work on something, something else comes up he has to take care of
Narrator: Everyone has that issue
Paddy: Sure, enough that's true. Everybody else is also able say "fuck all" and just do what they want to do anyhow. The guilt eats at him when he does that
Narrator: While on the topic...
Paddy: Yeah, yeah, but I'm quick and easy. Take that how you will