He's lucky there wasn't time to perform the Positron Emission Tomography

Now serving number 9

He's lucky there wasn't time to perform the Positron Emission Tomography

Still fighting with the stunt double. attempt one doesn’t seem to want to hold the legs up on their own. Next is an experiment involving zip ties.  I suspect that there will be comics regarding this that might accidentally appeal … Read More

Well at least not anymore. Not since the Lilliput'n incident back in '05

Dead Weight

Well at least not anymore. Not since the Lilliput'n incident back in '05

Well the repaired hand seems to be holding up this time. I’m still a bit  concerned about cutting up the second one. My first attempt at a leg stiffener seems to be a failure. I have an idea for a solution but … Read More

The hostess assumed he was a child dressed up for Emerald City Comicon so she gave him the crayons. Not sure why he grabbed the butt barrier.

Open 24.0000003782 hours

The hostess assumed he was a child dressed up for Emerald City Comicon so she gave him the crayons. Not sure why he grabbed the butt barrier.

So my original skeleton model is beginning to get a bit loose. At this point I’m having issues getting him to stand upright. He keeps falling forward at the hips. While this does seem to be within character, it make … Read More

not a single penis pun has come to me

Maybe Jack Torrance got it write

not a single penis pun has come to me

I’m fairly certain that this joke has been made before, possibly even by me in this comic. Somehow, that make this even funnier. Originally I had something about work related things, Paddy not understanding the concept of acronyms and pulling up … Read More

Looks like it's still a bit cold in the garage.


Looks like it's still a bit cold in the garage.

The world needs more earmuffs. Everyone should have a good pair of earmuffs. I have a really excellent pair that I like very much, but I don’t get to use them as often as I would like. Sometimes you have … Read More

Why yes, the garage is cold as a matter of fact. Why do you ask?

Hey Diddle, Diddle

Why yes, the garage is cold as a matter of fact. Why do you ask?

Just popping off a quick joke at my own expense. I really need to finish the shelves, they take up a lot of space in the shop. It would be better if they took up a lot of space in … Read More

The sad thing is that my shirt may have changed 4 times in as many weeks, but it's still the same project on the bench.

All Hail Lord Dampnut

The sad thing is that my shirt may have changed 4 times in as many weeks, but it's still the same project on the bench.

Whether you like him or not, it doesn’t matter if you voted for him or not, it doesn’t fucking matter if you voted for him and now have buyers remorse, it doesn’t matter if you didn’t vote at all (shame … Read More

Thankfully he isn't attacking China, I'd run out of props and stunt doubles. What's that you say? Well Fuck.

“Mr. Gobachev, tear down this wall”

Thankfully he isn't attacking China, I'd run out of props and stunt doubles. What's that you say? Well Fuck.

I never thought I’d be quoting Ronald Reagan. Ignoring that the wall is really about nationalism/racism and increasing the the size of the poor column on income charts, the basic concept just will not work. The continental border is about … Read More

I personally like both kinds of napping to pass the time as well.

Like a Blister in the Sun

I personally like both kinds of napping to pass the time as well.

So, there was a really long rant here. It’s been brewing in my head for weeks now. The problem was that it didn’t really fit well with today’s comic. So it’s been moved to a text file, where I will … Read More




Aaaaaaaannnnd it begins. Yes the comics border is much wider than it used to be. I’m slowly adding the border to the comic itself instead of coded into the CSS of the website. I originally did it this way so … Read More