We can rebuild him, but we can't afford the technology

Don’t forget Michelle Ryan

We can rebuild him, but we can't afford the technology

I think the series The Venture Brothers explained the silliness of the Six Million Dollar Man Sasquatch episode the best. It’s the best explanation   Patrick: OK so how does that feel? Paddy: Like I have a new spring to my step Patrick: and … Read More

I'm thinking that these bone jokes may be hard to swallow, unless you have a really dry sense of humor

What an enormous coccyx

I'm thinking that these bone jokes may be hard to swallow, unless you have a really dry sense of humor

Paddy: I don’t understand why she had to have you come do this Patrick: She said she felt kind of awkward messing around your ischial and pubis area Patrick: I’m inclined to agree with her, it’s weird Paddy: But I … Read More

Kind of brings a new meaning to the Rubert Holmes line "and getting caught in the rain"

The Right Stuff

Kind of brings a new meaning to the Rubert Holmes line "and getting caught in the rain"

The Right Stuff is still one of my favorite moves. As a child, I may have watched that as often as I watched Star Wars. That may be one of the first things I watch again if we ever get around … Read More

They tried to track their tanks through Tacoma, too.

We are looking for Moose n Skwirl

They tried to track their tanks through Tacoma, too.

Wife: What in the world? Paddy: Well, you know how we sent those photos to the Russian scammers? Wife: Yes Paddy: I kind of readdressed the envelope Paddy: to “Putin’s Proudly Promiscuous Pooftah Providers” Wife: oh, my Paddy: an hour ago some large Rocky IV types in … Read More

He been complaining lately that he didn't get Playmate of the month.

Sin in soft focus

He been complaining lately that he didn't get Playmate of the month.

Here’s to hoping that the image translates well to mobile. last time I tried this it kept cropping on the smaller devices. Nothing should be able to contain the ego, especially mobile phones.   Wife: Actually, this doesn’t look half bad … Read More

you know, "The markets", just around the corner from "the ol' main drag".

with a fiver in me pocket

you know, "The markets", just around the corner from "the ol' main drag".

So I was originally going to use “girls on film” to kind of keep the Duran Duran title theme going with this, but I discovered that I already used that. Conveniently I had an ear worm the last few days … Read More


The Reflex


Would you look at that. the beginnings of another story arc. probably only three weeks this time, but the wife actually makes an appearance again. If only because I really didn’t like seeing the character tag so tiny compared to … Read More

This week I bring you not just one, but two. Two adorable, fuzzy, rubbable bellies!

Kitty Kam

This week I bring you not just one, but two. Two adorable, fuzzy, rubbable bellies!

Not so sure how I feel about this one. I like the layout, and I like that it looks like a webcam, but the color is too washed out and in my head I cant figure out whose perspective the … Read More

I am the night

The Pawtector

I am the night

This is like our nightly routine. It’s better than the wife’s. She gets a paw across the face. As if to say “See I used the litter box like a good boy.” Edit 2/7/16 – The wife kindly pointed out that … Read More

Hey, I like Almond Roca.

Golden gifts

Hey, I like Almond Roca.

For those of you who have never heard of it: Almond Roca The first time I had one, someone left it unwrapped and on my desk at work. My first thought was that someone made a candy cat turd. so of … Read More