Can't find the switch for the ALT HOVER text

No Boats, No Lights, No Motor Cars

Can't find the switch for the ALT HOVER text

Paddy: Are you going to help me attach my bottom half or not? Patrick: Sure. I’m almost to a stopping point with this SFX: Garage door slamming shut. Light switch clicking off. bone feet running away Patrick: Did you just hear the door lock? … Read More

"A La Peanut Butter Sandwiches!" - nope, still not wearing pants.


"A La Peanut Butter Sandwiches!" - nope, still not wearing pants.

Paddy: Back in the 60’s I worked for a old, poor magician Patrick: Yeah, that isn’t an easy way to make money Paddy: Oh, he didn’t need the money, he was actually quite wealthy Patrick: Then why did you say he was poor? Paddy: I … Read More

love was such an easy game to play

The Flip Side of Acting Naturally

love was such an easy game to play

Paddy: The day before today everything was fine. My worries were all off in the distance Paddy: But now it seems like they not only brought their little going to grandma’s backpacks, but have their pillows, blankets, furniture, and booze Paddy: It all … Read More

It's probably the straightest I've ever been able to get him to stand

Like a Horse… Saddle

It's probably the straightest I've ever been able to get him to stand

Paddy: So this is where you’ve been hiding Patrick: I’m not sure I would call it hiding Paddy: It looks like you robbed a Habitat Store Patrick: Why don’t you stop hanging out in the doorway and give me a hand Paddy: noooo. Last time … Read More

"Fuck you and everybody that looks like you" -George Carlin

Birds Watching

"Fuck you and everybody that looks like you" -George Carlin

Something a little bit different this time. These are all quotes I got by searching for “Judgmental Birds Quotes” in Duck Duck Go. Then going into the various links. They all sort of made some sense except the Paul Rudd … Read More

at least there's been a long line of continuity, no real plot though.

Extra Effort

at least there's been a long line of continuity, no real plot though.

That really is the last of the footage from the room rearrangement a year ago. I still haven’t repaired Paddy. Conveniently I have 1.75 others that I can use.   Paddy: So it looks like we hit the last of the … Read More

That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit

“Don’t Stop Me Now”

That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit

Bat: So where is he now? Paddy: Which now? Bat: Now, now Paddy: Yeah, but this now, now or the now, now, now? Bat: Right here, right now Paddy: Yeah, but what now for which now? This now? Bat: The real now, now Paddy: Hard to say. He … Read More

I can also stretch pointless, senseless, and meaningless dialogue

Stretching is Good for You

I can also stretch pointless, senseless, and meaningless dialogue

Paddy: I have to admit it’s fairly impressive Bat: It does look a lot nicer, and cleaner Paddy: I was referring to his ability to stretch two days of photos over eight months Bat: Well he had to because of your spinal injury, and … Read More

In reality, it's the earth that's tilted

Right, a little more to the left

In reality, it's the earth that's tilted

Paddy: I think it’s tilted Patrick: You’re crooked Paddy: True, but you’re a fucking emotional mess Patrick: You’re leaning to the right Paddy: I have never in my entire life lean’d…You know the right is the whole reason I … Oh I see. Never mind

No shoes, no shirts, no service. OK, we're good.

Always Optional

No shoes, no shirts, no service. OK, we're good.

Paddy: You know, if you were to just make all the comics like this, there would be no need to wear pants Patrick: Has that ever stopped you before? Paddy: I suppose not Patrick: If I don’t make more comics like this, will it … Read More