I am only 1 of 3 men in the world who can have a panty line while wearing boxers

Jam don’t shake like that

I am only 1 of 3 men in the world who can have a panty line while wearing boxers

I really wonder what I was thinking when I took the giant ass pictures. I mean I like a big butt just as well as the next guy, but I’m really surprised that my self conscious self let me take … Read More

That is a really big ass

Butt Crack of Dawn

That is a really big ass

I have no idea what I was doing. No idea what I had in mind when I took these shots. I assume something with fixing the computer, but the damned thing is on. I know in reality I was trying … Read More

Every time I open the panel I expect to see a bunch of Seamen trying to cram into a boat

On the Good Ship Venus

Every time I open the panel I expect to see a bunch of Seamen trying to cram into a boat

This one went through multiple iterations before it evolved into a non Tumblr approved joke. I had a completely different dialogue set up, balloons drawn and finalizing placement when for some reason I started thinking about the old cartoons where … Read More

If you have ägg, sidfläsk, rostat bröd & kaffe you can make Frukost

Meh, det fungerar

If you have ägg, sidfläsk, rostat bröd & kaffe you can make Frukost

I nearly forgot to create a new 2019 folder for the next group of comics. Pure chaos. With any luck, I can get myself caught back up and get a bit of a buffer again so that I can work … Read More

it's just as effective as thoughts and prayers

“P”, Like in Psychology

it's just as effective as thoughts and prayers

I was hoping to have a buffer again. I do not. Still dealing with this energy zap that is the holidays. It’s like Christmas started in August this year if I’m being dishonest with myself. I’ve had quite a few … Read More

*SNIFF* Merry Christmas *SNIF*

Cup of sugar, Sugar?

*SNIFF* Merry Christmas *SNIF*

Happy Christmas. It’s been a strange one this year. This month has been so busy, and we’ve been so tired no one magically put up the tree nor did he put up the lights. Something has zapped the energy out … Read More

It was just Halloween, what the hell happened to Thanksgiving? and why did some redhead leave a paper heart in my mailbox?

Ti-i-i-ime, is on my side

It was just Halloween, what the hell happened to Thanksgiving? and why did some redhead leave a paper heart in my mailbox?

I have absolutely no idea where the time went. I suspect it went to same place it it always goes when I’m not looking, but we only have the one couch and I looked between the cushions. We just moved … Read More

He does all his own stunts

He’s a Well Rounded Individual

He does all his own stunts

I don’t have near as many of these pics left as I thought. I may have to get around to thinking about how to go about proceeding to do the repairs on the original Paddy model.   Bat: Shouldn’t you be … Read More

A frugal person of questionable upbringing who could very easily start charging room and board

What a long strange trip it’s been

A frugal person of questionable upbringing who could very easily start charging room and board

I kind of like the idea that you can no longer really tell who is the main character of the comic.  I suppose the more accurate way to put it is which characters delusions are driving the complete lack of … Read More

but...doesn't he bat left handed?

Walk with an erection

but...doesn't he bat left handed?

As I write this, there is still a buffer for the comic. With any luck, the Douche Nozzle in charge will do or say something stupid again, and the comic title will be appropriate for that as well. I like … Read More