Back to our story, or what there is of it. The next few weeks are going to require a bit more work. and a lot more photos. Mostly of Paddy in the drivers seat. Those of you following Paddy on social media have probably noticed that I also acquired a new camera. The remote shutter control is going to come in handy. I hope to be able to use this in the driving portion, but I don't know yet. I think I'm still going to need a 3rd party to assist.
Patrick: OK, we're here
Paddy: finally. It seems like weeks
Patrick: Just go in there. Apologize to the driver. and get our pizza
Paddy: I don't think that's going to be necessary
Patrick: Yes it is
Paddy: No, I mean the driver isn't even inside
Patrick: How do you know that?
Paddy: Because he's heading this way with a baseball bat
Patrick: What?
Paddy: I know, right! A Cricket bat would toa tally be more effective