It is taking much longer to saw off fingers than I thought. I ended up ordering a jewelers saw because didn't want to lose a lot of material when cutting the plastic. Using a filament cutter would have been perfect, but I don't have a couple of grand laying around in a coffee can. I thought about hooking a guitar wire up to a car battery, but decided spending $15 on a jewelers saw and a packet of super extra ultra fine blades would be easier. After it arrived I showed the wife and she reminded me that we had purchased a jewelers saw and a packet of super extra ultra fine blades a while ago, it was just in the craft room, and not the garage. So now we have two "a jewelers saw and a packet of super extra ultra fine blades".
I can live with this.
Oh, and bonus points to me for coming up with a triple entendre for this weeks title.
Narrator: how did you convince him to let you do this?
Paddy: I made him think it was his idea
Narrator: How did you do that?
Paddy: By being a giant pain in the arse. "Go work on this weeks comic" was the first thing to come out of his mouth
Narrator: How's that working out for you?
Paddy: Great! I've got my script written out and enough material for a few weeks if he wants
Narrator: And you don't know how to work the program
Paddy: not a fucking clue