You Spin me Right Round Baby

He was originally going to say pirouetting, but he wasn't sure how to spell it properly.

You Spin me Right Round Baby

Paddy: Where are you going? I thought you were going to open the front door Patrick:You said that, not me Patrick: I have keys, I can open this door Narrator: Wait for it... Narrator: Wait for it... Narrator: Another moment... SFX: keys being sorted Jingle Jingle. Thoughts coming together very loudly CLICK Paddy: Wait a minute Narrator: There it is Paddy: If you've had your keys the whole time, why didn't you just unlock the door at the start? Patrick: That my circumducting friend, is the wrong question Paddy: What the fuck does that even mean? Patrick: It means you should probably be asking why I didn't use the light on my cell phone Paddy: But what does that have to do with a duck's foreskin?