Here goes everything

Since the spare drive idea failed, I’m pray switching the server from Fedora Core to Debian. Praying that I didn’t lose the partition with all our data on it. I got most of it backed up, but ran out of disk space. The things that are not in the current back up have not changed since last year so they are still on DVD. With any luck nothing will go wrong again, but if it does, it’ll be much easier to fix with out having to mess with some weird ‘quirk’ that RedHat thinks is a good idea.
That went a lot quicker than I thought.

That is usually not a good sign.

edit 8:59pm

it wasn’t. Must remember TAB and ENTER and read what is on the screen.

The nice thing is it so far is an easy fix/learning experience.
so far.

This is just going to take longer than I thought. I’ll just start the bath fans this weekend.