It took over a year and a half but I received my first fan message today! AND they want to give me something! I’ve never had any of these that I could call mine before. I’m so very excited, it’s like I’ve just become part of the world of the internet, and this is the welcome basket. I’m just so excited! I mean it’s not like I haven’t played any before, but to have some I can actually call my own! I have the shakes I’m so ecstatic. I don’t even have them yet, and can’t even think straight. Should I put them on display for everyone to see? Or do I just bring them out at special occasions like parties or weddings? Maybe I should just keep them covered and only let special people see them, Oh! then only the most exclusive of those people would even be allowed to touch them! Oh no, I just had a thought, what if their not real? I mean what if their a knock off? Are they going to be noticeably different? will anyone really care? will I care? AHHH what if they look like a Tex Avery cartoon? What then? No. I’ll just have to hope for the best. Besides, even most of the fake ones can be dazzled up for show. I bet when they get here I don’t even leave the house. I bet I just sit and stare at them. OH! I should go out and get some oil or lotions or cream or something for them, I don’t want them to get stretchy or leathery. I’m too excited! I can’t wait for them to get here. I know, I’ll put them on display, but dress them up mostly, maybe a little lace. Hrm, what if they need extra support? I suppose I could get a wire or something. I might have to push them together a bit. maybe I should get some jewelry to add to them? something tasteful like a crucifix or an ankh. I think I’ll surprise the cat. He’s going to want to lay on them. I want to lay on them! though they may be too big if I can lay on them. I certainly would have back problems hauling them around if they’re that big. Hopefully they’re just large enough to rest my head on. I wonder if I’ll need a grooming kit? probably only if I show them off. I’m just going to have to wait until they arrive.