It’s wet.

It just keeps on raining. There was a break the other day, so I went out to mow the lawn. The mower wouldn’t start.
The pretty much sums up the month thus far. Just about everything I’ve tried to do, the garage, the server…
I foresee the month continuing to do just that, with a few sunny breaks now and then. Particularly come this October when Dividends come out.
One less debt to deal with.

Work has been OK. It has caused me to discover another reason II don’t care for M$. HTML programs. I’ve been writing procedures up in HTML so that all the spots where my job crosses over to other jobs can be cross referenced easily. I thought I would save time and use the built in editor in Office. It added so damned much useless code that my simple text instructions ended up at over 700kb. Sure that seems like a small number nowadays, but after cleaning up the code and adding a lot more info, it’s down to 13kb. I can also now see where everything is in the code so someone else can actually change the text if they need to.

Well back to not doing what I wasn’t doing in the first place.