
I tend to not sleep through the night. I’m up every few hours. Been like this my whole life, well at least since kindergarten. At some point in the last few years I started doing laundry when thisĀ  happens. It used to be that I’d wake up and when i couldn’t fall back asleep, I would read a bit or maybe go down to the garage and quietly work on a project. Now that i need cheaters, and am older, reading at 2am is a bit more stimulation than i want, same thing with working out in the garage on a furniture project. Landry usually works pretty good on the weekend. Its just enough to make my brain shift gears from whatever anxiety my brain made up, not too much stimulant that i get to thinking too much, and if i manage to stay asleep, its no big deal. I have the whole day to get our laundry done.

Something happened this morning. Actually, there was a tapestry of unusual events that, when sewn together… No that’s not right. You know how early manuscripts and paintings had drawings or painted pictures of lions and other animals in them, but the monks or whomever had obviously never seen a lion or whatever before and decided, “fuck it, this is what a lion looks like now”? That is a much better analysis of the events leading up to this mornings laundry delema.

My spouse has been dealing with what we really hope is only a migraine this last week. Stors spots jaggies and missing spots in her vision. She has also been trying to get to this biannual craft bizarre in Seattle for a number of years and this year was the I’m going even if it literally kills me year. The visions issues subsided over the last few days thanks to some docs in a box and a generous shot of anti migraine drugs. The main headache was still there so when she invited me along, I said yes. We also planned on going to a specific mall that day to get a specific meal at a specific chicken place. It was going to be a busy day. A day with a lot of people. It was still going to be better than sending her by herself and the migraine potentially hitting back and me not knowing, aand maybe having to drive up to Seattle to get her because she wouldnt be able to drive home. Then eed also have to figure out how to get her car back as well. Not a good plan. Me just going with her to something I did have any desire to go to would be better. Plus I would get to spend the day with her so not all bad right?

Yesterday was a lot of stimulation with very little unwind time. My anxiety was also already up due to the previously mentioned hopefully just migrains, but some othe shite going on as well. We went to bed around 9, I was up again by 12. I changed the laundry load and crawled back into bed and as I thought to myself, “I cant beleive Im not stuck awake tonight” I looked at the clock and saw that I fallen back asleep for a few hours. I decided to try going back to sleep again, but this time my brain fully kicked in with a weeks highlight reel with some flashbacks to stupid shit from years ago with no relation or reason. By 3 am I decided to just get up. I swapped out the laundry again and got on the treadmill. I started working on this weeks comic, all the while doing the laundry as it came up.

At some point, I think about 5am, the spouce’s regular load binged, so I through it into the dryer and put her delicates in the washer. I then went upstairs made myself some food, and since she was now awake and out of the bedroom, I put away the laundry I had done thus far. Right around 6:00 I was starting to feel it hitting me so I thought I’d have a lay down on the couch until costco opened up at 10. About 5 minutes in, the dryer went off. She went downstairs and changed out the loads. Then asked me if i wanted the sheets thrown in. I was very confused. Mentally, like I assume everyone else, I keep track what load is going off and how long it takes. It should only have been the dryer that had finished, the the wash load. Now would be a good time to reread the first sentence of this paragraph. There is a step missing.

For the life of me I could not remember switching to washer knob to delicates. I went downstairs and sure enough, there was still soap in the dispensers. The wife assuming I actually did things correctly, put the dry, dirty, clothes from the washer into the dryer.

It is going to be a long day, and I suspect a long 3 day workweek.