Medicated Goodness

Went to the Doctor yesterday. Sinus infection and severe lack of sleep. He prescribed an antibiotic, a decongestant and a cough syrup to knock me out so that I could get some sleep. I took the decongestant at 1:00 yesterday and it is just now beginning to wear off. It unfortunately dehydrates the hell out of me. Even with only a few hours of sleep the last few nights (OK all week) I still didn’t manage to get to sleep until 9 and woke up numerous times. This was after taking the codeine laced cough syrup.

I did manage to pick up the house a little bit. Very little bit.

GCI Cable is finally going to get out here to fix my ground loop problem on the cable line. It just took me being sick enough to be a real asshole with customer service to get someone on the phone that was going to talk to a tech.

Melissa’s presents are wrapped and under the tree.

I know my workplace hasn’t fallen apart because I have been there the last two mornings very early before anybody else gets in to get routine stuff done, and to ease my guilt of not being there. Stupid work ethic. I sure as hell didn’t get it from my mother. So I end up with a 2 and 3/4 day work week. I just hope I can get all my shit done in that time.

Personal bad news. While at the doctor yesterday, I discovered I was at 210. Even considering the heavy clothes I was wearing… I may have to do something about that. Crap.