Now What!

The one thing I really have been looking forward to doing while Melissa is gone is to install her new stereo in the van.
The wires are all anal retentively wrapped. The dash is apart. The stereo plugs in.
nothing. nada. zip. bupkus. zilch. No sound.
Called neighbor who does this for a living.
“What the crap?”
We play with it a bit, testing wires. It seems there is a factory amp hiding somewhere that is hooked up auto magically. Then just as I say “maybe it works on magic” the wipers turn on, the light flash, and the door buzzer goes off three times.
It seems that the van is supposed to do that if the accessories are left on too long and you kill the battery. It was quite strange and spooky.
Get in car, go to Fred Meyer, buy battery charger, go upstairs, get on Internet, post obnoxious blog, yell at dog, have another conversation with cat, maldígale gato del gatito Lost argument.

I should go to bed.