Pro Crast eh nation

So I took December off from doing much of anything but keeping up with holiday plans. Seemed to work ok for not going too crazy this year, didn’t get near as depressed as I normally do. Got more ‘meh’ than anything else. Getting with family on facebook has helped that a lot. Or I should say spread it out across the year into little tiny bits instead of cramming it all into one month. Facebook has most definitely made living away from everyone harder. I won’t give it up though. Having talked with them over these last few months has made a big difference in my life. I have a better idea of whats going on over there. ‘cor that’s what makes things harder. The last year I realized how much of their lives I have missed. For most of my siblings, I have lived up here the majority of their lives. For My Nieces and Nephews, all of their lives. I have first cousins I don’t recall ever having met, let alone know the names of their children or spouses. Getting better at that one though, I might not remember a name, but I can at least recognize them next time. :-P