Pray you, who does the wolf love?

Ahhhhh, yer drunk yer drunk you silly old fool. As drunk as drunk can be. That's nothing but an old dog that me mother gave to me.

Pray you, who does the wolf love?

Finishing the chapter on a mellow note I guess. I'm hoping that's the last of the night shots with my cell phone for a bit. I'm not really happy with the appearance, but it  is a limitation of my medium restriction so far. Conveniently My wife's new cell phone has a real'ish lens and also takes really nice shots in low light so I found a loophole in my self imposed cellphone camera only restriction. Baaaaaa.

edit 1/30/2016-adjust night shot to new dark room standard set in previous weeks redo.

  Sound Effect: scrabble scrabble THUMP (repeats in background) Wife: There seems to be some difficulty getting into bed. Patrick: Well it's not for lack of trying. Dog: Why do you keep moving the bed on me? Patrick: I think I'm getting the stink eye. Wife: Lay down and go to bed! Dog: Please stop spinning the room. Patrick: Goodnight Wife: Goodnight