So do my boxers for that matter. At least he doesn't have to worry about boxers, sweatpants and being in public.

One girl was called Jean Marie…

So do my boxers for that matter. At least he doesn't have to worry about boxers, sweatpants and being in public.

One girl was called Jean Marie…

One of these day's Paddy and I are going to go into Victoria's Secret and get him properly fitted. I also find it kind of funny that I'm going to end up with a dresser of clothing for a Halloween decoration. Those of you not aware of the rarer Who tracks, The title is from the song "I'm a boy". Video here Paddy: Jayzus that was quite the ordeal. Patrick: You were a good distraction, there's usually much more drama. Paddy: more likely from the hangover. Patrick: I'm sorry, what? Paddy: The plant. it may need water. This thing is...well it's really dry. Patrick: oh. Can you take care of that while I'm out? I have some interviews today...and please change out of my underwear. Paddy: How's this? Patrick: um? I suppose it depends if you're still trying to get on her good side. Paddy: Oh, good point. it does look better on me.