This may be my longest run without even remotely thinking about checking on the backend of the site, let alone getting around to an update.
I ahave some things that are broken and apparently they’ve updated how colour is displayed in wordpress so now everything is much lighter. It does seem like it’s more accurate to the code though so that’s nice.
Some of my paid for plug ins have moved to subscription based. So, like I already paid for them, and you offered lifetime updates. Two of which I’ve looked at the original EULA when I purchased and I will certainly need to look into it further.
So I’ll add all this to my list of round to its.
This was intened to be a quick update on Melissa’s office project, but now that I look at the photo folder I see that I have done a lot over the last year even if it doesn’t feel like it. So I suppose I need to take a break from the game I’ve gotten sucked into and update the void screams.
To off load some of the items in Me;issa’s craftroom/office, I made her a costume storage chest. or at least started it in October. I still need to upload the construction images for that project. I finished it in the first week of January. Not bad for a pick at project. It’s made of scrap Alder.
At some point something happened in the server closet and I had to move the wall mounted stuff into an actual rack. I think it was a ran out of room and got tired of having to be really carefull to not snag any thing as we went in and I started messing with virtual machines. This is still a work in progress, but it’s safe at the moment and low priority.
For some reason I took a photo of the mileage on the Mazda. It was at 96,119. This will become significant later on in the post.
The LVT fflooring in my office began to split apart from itself. so not the seams, but the layers themselves. Becasue I had a rolling chair in the office at all, the manufacturer voided the warranty. Not that I was using the chair at that time as it was a standing desk, but one came into the office so fuck you.

Not much really happened in November. Mostly finishing up the little things. Continued to work on the costume chest, and the server rack. recycled an old computer into a Virtual Machine Server. I did decorate the cat door for Xmas.
Built a new gaming PC for the media room. This caused a small cascade effect as it always does. There were a lot of good deals on Black Friday. and then Christmas. The costume chest, christmas shopping, the gaming PC and the virtual machine server and work took up most of my time. We were also waiting for lumber prices to gain some reality so we could move on withthe Melissa office project. This didn’t happen.
Finished the costume chest. It was JUST large enough to hold everything.
We had a power outage so I was really glad we had the upstairs fireplace serviced the year before.

and there was some thick low hanging fog on the water a lot of the month
Mostlypicked at the round to it list. Used fishsticks to run a new network line across the attic for the wifi access point in the dining room kitchen area. Fairly impressed with myself with that. I hit the target 30 feet away in the dark attic under all the insulation on the first attempt. So what I planeed of being an all day project to just run the wire ended up being only a few hours start to completion. Also started a few Shop projects to make building the murphy bed a little less precarious. One of them was a large outfeed table.
Finshed the outfeed table. and accidentally upgraded the Virtual Machine Server. There was a significant price drop on a processor and a sale price. so I up graded my CPU to the max the motherboard would allow. The issue was that even with the BIOS update it would not work becasue of the way the board was set up on the old CPU. I would have needed access to a newer CPU with onboard video to get it to flip over. Since I know no one, and the cheapest CPU was more than a new board and RAM, I opted to get a new board and RAM and take the old one to upgrade the Virtual Machine Server. It was a really good decision in the long run.
Oh and spring started.
I started the time suck that is Fallout 4.
Discovered the garbage disposal leaked. a lot.
Orgered Plywood for the Melissa Office Murphy Bed & cabinet project. It arrived very damaged as the delivery company did not recive the plywood strapped down from Home Depot so it bounced around in their truck and I suspect that the packers just grabbed what ever crap they could. I had it picked up and refunded as it was useless.
Oh yeah. I turned 50. My coworkers got me a cake. It was amazing, and I don’t really care for cake.
Continued to work on shop clean up rearrangement. Accidentally bought a new tool cabinet. it wasw nearly 50% off since they were no longer going to stock that colour. Oh No! The horror of a blue cabinet. This did cause a cascade of cleaning all the other cabinets and relubricating and relining the drawers.
Spent an evening taking pictures of the Northern Lights. Like nearly everyone else.
I don’t remember June. I may have skipped it entirely.
Rented a Uhaul and picked up a giant expensive load of prefinished plywood for the Murphy Bed project. This was scary as fuck. The mirrors refused to budge and the transmission suddenly decided to drop into 2nd while I was on the highway. This caused the stack of 20 sheets of plywood to follow Newtons law, break the tie down strap, and slam into the back of the cab. Luckily it didn’t do too much damage. Not enough that I wouldn’t be cutting that area anyhow. Here’s a shot of the stack after building the Bed portion of the cabinets
The new table saw outfeed table was a little short of what I actually needed for dry assembly.
Oh yeah, and inbetween things, I found time to pressure wash the drive way
First thing on the evening of the first we brought the bed and cabinet into the office.
Then in the middle of the month we went to Anchorage to visit the family. While there I had some severe insomnia so spent a lot of time looking at vehicles since I would be likely getting a different on come the beginning of 2015 or there abouts. Mostly something to do and kept me from blowing up Amazon cart.
At the end of the month, my Galaxy Watch decided that it’s face no longer needed to be attached to the body. So I ended up buying a new smart watch as not having it was causing issues with me catching my alarms and needed notifications. I ended up with the new one from One Plus. I have been very happy with it and I get 3-4 days battery on it with all my BS running.
After we got back I was still dealing with insomnia.So I continued to do the car browsing. I ran across one that seemed too good to be real. Called the dealership, and we drove 2+ hours to go look at it. Ended up purchasing it. 2017 Dodge Grand Caravan with only 7700 miles. They still needed to do the inspections and such, so they would deliver the van once ready. (it took longer than intended)
Took the Mazda to a dealer to sell it. It now had 96,743 miles. So I only added a bit over 600 miles in nearly a year. Detailed it and off it went.
The Van arrived on the 3rd.
One downside to the Van is I often have “Little Red Wagon” by Audra May in my head. I removed the dealer plate covers, and we changed out the factory radio because it was obnoxious. you could only pair it by speaking to it and you hade to repair every time, and it was slow enough to be a bit of a danger.

also continued to work on the Murphy bed cabinets. while we began dealing with an Ant issue.
October, thus far
So I took a break after I got the Side Cabinets framed up to clean up the shop, and to work on the stereo on the van. I managed to do it on a budget, but it has taken a lot of little tweaks. It’s good enough and I’m not going to damage anything.
I also ordered a window sticker.
and that is basically where im at.