Thus far the nudes have remained on the cell phone, and not on the internet. No one really wants to see that.

Girls on film

Thus far the nudes have remained on the cell phone, and not on the internet. No one really wants to see that.

Girls on film

I have no idea why he's holding the phone like that. I suppose I should get back to work on the mobility project. I also wonder how many younger people would assume that I'm making a social commentary on the narcissistic nature of facebook, as opposed to just a simple Durran Durran reference. oh wait   Paddy: I appreciate you giving me your old phone, the last one was useless Patrick: You threw it out the window and shouted "Fly Angry twitter bird, Fly!" Paddy: Well it kept saying "Twitter has unexpectedly quit", I figured it was feeling trapped Paddy: Besides, this one has a nicer camera Narrator: no filter Patrick: What the fuck! Fucking Russian Spammers. Stupid fucking analytics.