It could have been worse. He could have been dead

Love Lies Bleeding

It could have been worse. He could have been dead

Love Lies Bleeding

How in the world do real writers end a story line? This one just seems to keep on going.   Paddy: So Lucy won and I was sent back to earth Patrick: Not into heaven? Paddy: Don't be daft. I wouldn't be talking to ya if I got in Cat: That's better, but I still don't get where all this crap came from Narrator: Say no more your excellency Paddy: I awoke in my coffin during my wake, and let me tell ya, a bloody fine wake it was too. Lots of food and drink, music and dancing Narrator: All the crap is cleaned up. Your grace? Paddy: There must have been three hundred people there Patrick: Who knew you'd be so popular Paddy: I didn't know fuck one of them Narrator: crap.