If you have ägg, sidfläsk, rostat bröd & kaffe you can make Frukost

Meh, det fungerar

If you have ägg, sidfläsk, rostat bröd & kaffe you can make Frukost

Meh, det fungerar

I nearly forgot to create a new 2019 folder for the next group of comics. Pure chaos. With any luck, I can get myself caught back up and get a bit of a buffer again so that I can work on some other things. Not that it has ever been an issue before. Things get done when they feel like getting done. I like to think I'm somehow involved in the decision, but really, I don't think I have a say in the matter. Usually things are out there just waiting to be done, then one day they're done. I've most certainly the person who completed them, but when I think about it, it's always from the outside looking in, 3rd person like. Memory is funny that way.   Paddy: I've been thinking about your problem and I believe I have a solution Patrick: I'm going to need you to narrow that down a bit, which problem exactly? Paddy: This nesting thing of yours. This room is just depressing, and the wall colour matches my skin tone. I think a big part of it is the furniture Paddy: Your desks are all function over form. They're not really you Patrick: What are you talking about? It's all utilitarian. It's very me Paddy: Really? I thought it all came from IKEA. I didn't even know the Utilitarians made furniture