it's just as effective as thoughts and prayers

“P”, Like in Psychology

it's just as effective as thoughts and prayers

“P”, Like in Psychology

I was hoping to have a buffer again. I do not. Still dealing with this energy zap that is the holidays. It's like Christmas started in August this year if I'm being dishonest with myself. I've had quite a few false starts in the whole getting up and exercising bit. I wake up at 3 or 4 all ready to get moving, get the tea started, then fall asleep on the couch. Once while putting on socks. On the plus side, with not walking so much everyday my feet haven't hurt near as much or as often.   Paddy: Do you really think this is going to help anything? You're just trading shoulder issues for a fat arse Patrick: But I won't be making the shoulder worse Patrick: Besides, I'm getting exercise in different ways. Like right now I'm running back and forth moving equipment, and with our timeline issues, I've effectively been doing it for nine months Paddy: That's brilliant. and you just go on and keep thinking that's how it works