It's certainly going to be easier to shove the stick up his arse

Two Fer One

It's certainly going to be easier to shove the stick up his arse

Two Fer One

So yes, I'm finally done with the training at the new job. I'm finally feeling somewhat up to continuing. Rather I'm slowly getting to the point where I want to again. At some point in the last few weeks Paddy's spine broke in half. I don't know when, but when I went to pic him up  he was very distinctly in two pieces. Luckily I think it's going to work out. and if not, I have a series of photos I took prior so I'll have a bit of a buffer till I can do the repairs, or just switch to one of the spare skeletons. It will probably yet be a few months before I'm ready with a story line or whatever it is that I actually do here. Hey, it's a start. We'll see right? At the very least the page has updated and no one has to look at my standing there like an idjit with a Halloween decoration. Narrator: Soon... Paddy: My spine is broken Narrator: maybe