because Christmas comes earlier and earlier every year

I’m glad my name’s not Christmas

because Christmas comes earlier and earlier every year

I’m glad my name’s not Christmas

One of the things I like about working Monday through Friday 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM is that it is still light outside when I drive home from work. One of the things I DON'T like about working Monday through Friday 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM is that it is still light outside when I drive home from work and since I never really leave the house often once I'm home, night driving has become a show of high intensity tail lights, halo's street lamps, rainbow ringed traffic signals, and a 90's Southwest colour palette of HID headlamps surrounded by a blackness so dark that I swear it has a gravitational pull.   Narrator: So, the reason I was looking for you... there was another loud noise on the side of the house Paddy: Does that mean it's Thanksgiving or Christmas? Between our timeline issues and capitalism running amok, I'm completely out of give a fucks to give Narrator: It is still early November Paddy: OK I'll go check it out for real this time Paddy: Why is it dark at 4 PM? Narrator: Daylight Savings. Oh, and it's mid November now