Breakin the law, breakin the law

For more information on the intelligence of Oxen check out "The Oxen Handbook" by Drew Conroy from your local intercity library

Breakin the law, breakin the law

Patrick: So you were drunk and trying to sneak through town Paddy: Yes and no. I was singing at the top of my lungs and trying to logroll the barrel when I rolled right into the civic guard and land flat on me arse Paddy: Now Brophy was an ox of a man and about as smart. He says to me "Stand up boyo! Don'cha know I'm da Law!" Well, as I stood, I went up with my fist and I shattered his jaw Patrick: OH Shit! Then what? Paddy: I don't know. Next thing I remember, the barrel and I were down by the sea With a cripple leering over me