Are you coming to my party tomorrow?

Longest interview ever!

Are you coming to my party tomorrow?

If you've never seen it. Get yourself a big glass of wine, lots of snack food, and a working pause button, and watch 2001: A Space Odyssey. Personally, I don't care for video chat. I'm always worried this is going to happen. Maybe that's why this week's comic isn't all that funny, just absurd. So have a much more adorable video chat scene . Rachael's in the bathroom indeed."Are you coming to my party tomorrow?" poor Doctor Floyd.   Patrick: I see you found the phone OK Paddy: yes. Patrick: everything alright? Paddy: yes. I've just never been on a video phone. How come I can only see half of you? Patrick: My phone is sitting on the center console. I assume yours is just laying on the table? I can't really point the camera at me while I'm driving Paddy: oh, Oh. I See! This is certainly going to take some getting used to Patrick: You know it's easier if you make a regular call instead of video chat Paddy: This is just like in that movie about the big black rectangle Patrick: the what? Paddy: You know, I don't think that airline is around anymore Patrick: where'd you go? Paddy: The phone slipped. I'm about 5 minutes away so I'll just talk to you then Patrick: OK Paddy: So. how do I hang up?