Thodos Dance Company

Thodos Dance Company from Chicago is doing an Alaska Tour this Spring. They will be in Anchorage on Thursday April 19th at the Discovory Theater at the Center for Performing Arts at 6pm Buy Tickets. Go See!

in which I justify how close I really am with Maths

The center of the milky way is approximately 27,000 light years away.  This is roughly 27,000,000,000,000,000 Kilometers. (27*1016 for those who prefer Scientific Notation) This is roughly 162,000,000,000,000,000 miles.  Using NASA’s New Horizons it would take 440,313,111.5 years to get … Read More

Buzy Sunny Weekend

Friday had excellent BBQ at friends house, with possibly the most wonderful steaks; if not the largest; I have ever had. They were spiced a bit, and really large. I mean f’n huge. they were about two inches thick and … Read More