Under Employed

I am glad that I am partially employed. It has made things much easier to deal with. When we decided to move I knew I would be having to take a pay hit. I don’t know if either of us realized how much of a hit. I don’t think either of us thought about age being a factor either.  I have actually been told that I’m older than they are looking for, as well as that I’m too old. I’ve asked, yes I could push it legally, but not quite being 40 makes for a difficult case. And do I really want to push it in the first place? The people that do want me, and are very excited to talk to me on the phone either don’t want to pay me what I’m making part-time, or appear to be the same type of people I just got away from.

I like where I am working at. If they had more to do, or more hours I’d be ecstatic. As it is, I need to find more things to do that actually pay. The bugger is that I can think of all kinds of things to do that pay, but they require money up front and the hopes that someone will actually buy it. Not a good thing to use to depend on. I can even think of a few shops to open, but I’m not sure how much of a market there is nowadays. Lots of research ahead of me I guess.