unintentional post…

This started out as a reply to my friend Mizkit‘s post late this evening her time. It started getting long and more than just a reply so I decided to edit a bit and make it a post here instead.

it started off with the word Whinge
I couldn’t believe she would misspell whine, so I of course looked up whinge. I grinned like a chesire cat. I was particularly partial to “…especially in an annoying or persistent manner.”
It seems a fitting term for a lot of people I know. Myself at the top of the list.
In her post she mentions what comes down to basically teaching herself to draw well. It got me thinking.
My last drawing is still hung on the wall as incomplete as it was in the winter of 1996 when I stopped drawing. College took the fun out of it; not to mention learning in general. I think it was because I didn’t really learn anything. I had all ready been out of high school for 3 years living in the real world. I really saw no point in going through further hoops so I could have a college degree and get the same pay anyhow. At least for what I wanted to do when I grew up. The answer of course being the same as it is now. “I don’t know” I just don’t think I’m the kind of person to settle down for a career. I don’t have the attention span for that. It’s almost surprising that I’ve held the same Job for 7 years. Almost. I know myself to well. They are good people to work for and with. They treat me very well. The staff is a small family. The benefits are good (esp for a company this size) I’m too lazy to look for another job.
Getting back on track with not drawing. I haven’t really pick it up again. In that I mean I don’t just sit down, find a naked person and draw any more. Heck, I don’t even draw naked people anymore. At some point I recently started ‘sketching’ I think about the same time we started our home de-provements. They are more a way to get an idea across, and to not forget said idea halfway through the project. Though admittedly the latter is rarely the case. Thinking about it now, I guess I’ve really just moved to other mediums. Wood, metal, paint, stain, fiberglass, computers…just about anything I find interesting long enough to try and learn about it.
Funny how things get you thinking.

4 thoughts on “unintentional post…”

    • I suppose so. At first I was wondering if you ever looked at the stuff on the walls of our house, then I realized we no longer have most of it up anymore.
      I’m home with the sick kitty today. One of the things I’m going to attempt to get done (you know first hand how that goes) is getting some more pictures into the user gallery. I’ll take some shots of some of my drawings and put them in there. I’m sure my family would like to see them anyhow. They could all come up here and see them if they REALLY wanted too. Hint Hint.

      • I hope the sick kitty is doing better. *worried*
        I was staring at your icon and trying to think about the art you have in your house, and all I can remember are the prints above the sliding door, which … can’t be yours, I don’t think. I think I recognized the artist, though I can’t bring the name to mind right now. Somebody who does stuff for comic books, neh? Perhaps among other things…

        • They are large blow up scans from a comic which was full of different renditions of Death by different artists. We used to (like when we moved in) have a bunch of my stuff all over the house. As walls flooded, furniture was built, and chiney removed, things never made it back up. I think a lot of it was just as everything started to ‘click’ I made the mistake of taking a couple of classes at UAA. Then I HAD to draw. I took all the Joy out of it for a long time. I’m still not sure I’m ready to have them up again. At this point though, I think it’s mostly because I still have a very hard time when someone compliments me in person. I am my own worst critic and I end up coming off as rude.
          Kitty info up above (redundant)

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