People who see the world as black and white are blind to the actual colors, or even the shades of gray. This trip to Michigan has taught me something. I hate people. Hate is a very strong word and I don’t use it like a penny. People as a whole don’t fit into my view of the world, or how I wish it to be. People are too obsessed with themselves, which is kind of funny since a person isn’t necessarily so. I like you, and you, and you… just don’t get together, OK?
I got Spearhead’s new album today. As usual Michale Franti’s lyrics and performance are top notch, full of emotion. Once again, if you let it, the music will touch your soul. There has been on every album so far, one song that I can not play too often. It strikes me just the right way that I can’t help but tear up. They are not necessarily sad songs, they just hit a personal chord. On this last album, it happens to be Is love enough?. It is not a particularly sad song, it just hits me that way. It is by no means a happy song either.
The song almost precisely states my opinion of a person, compared to people.
to me it is futile.
that is why I cry.
Someday people will change, not in my lifetime, but someday. Someday there will be intelligence in the world as a majority. Not in my lifetime. In my lifetime there is selfishness and ignorance, and it spreads faster than disease.
I can only hope it will wipe people out and only leave individuals. Killing off the sheep, leaving the Mountain Goats.
one day.
Someone once asked my why I do the majority of woodworking by hand, when power tools would be faster.
Power tools are not always faster. You also cannot feel the wood with power tools. Unfortunately this is something that has to be experienced to truly understand. As with everything that I care about, with understanding, comes inner peace.
I wish more people would understand that.
It is why I have left religion, but kept faith. Not The Faith; just faith. In the end people screw up, but a person tends to make the right decision. It is why I tend to not like big corporations, it is too easy to lose perspective when there is no individual. People are stupid, but an individual is responsible towards their fellow man, not just held accountable.
I need to stop before I depress everyone.