More rain today. Had some sun yesterday. but more rain today. I used to like the rain.
I think the rain knows this as about six years ago it decided to invite itself in and keeps coming back. Seeing as how we’re mostly made of water, I suppose it could be considered a relative. Not the good kind of relative like a parent, grand-parent, cousin, or favorite uncle. Hell, it’s not even the obese ‘aunt’ in the MuMu that forces you to give her a kiss and pinches your cheeks and says how big you’re getting, terrifying you and mentally scarring you into your adult life, and then turns to your mother and badmouths your Father, sister, step-father, neighbor, postman, sister, and you, and then when you get older you find out she’s not even related. No, Water is more like an unknown relative that shows up at your door (or roof or window) and ends up more like Gorey’s ‘Uninvited Guest’.
With all this rain, and the neighbors lack of a gutter, our crawlspace is flooding and I’m thinking of building a pier for the dog in the backyard.
In the meantime, I’m looking for a cheap pen scanner. I’ve discovered the Alexandria book cataloging program in Gnome. You type in the ISBN number, and it checks a bunch of databases, and spits back relevant information on the book. This will be really good for our insurance stuff. There are just a lot of books so a pen scanner would most likely be quicker.
Got restarted on the garage again yesterday. Starting to look like the shop/garage again as opposed to the crap/trash room with a REALLY big door. I did get side tracked again. I finished up the dog’s new dish tray holder thing.