Ghost drippings

The night before last Melissa was awakened to what sounded like the cat having a very repetitive and rhythmic bowel movement. Turned out to be water dripping from the bedroom door frame. I’m not sure I wouldn’t have preferred it was the cat. Where the door is located, there is nothing attached to anything else really. In the attic there is nothing above the door. It only did it for a bit, then it stopped. It hasn’t done it since. There are no water marks on the wall. The living room hasn’t leaked again either. It has been in the 30’s the last few days though. We figure (hope) the some snow blew in the ridge vent or a bit of it was frozen up, fell in when it thawed and landed on top of the door frame.

Christmas presents for the Lower 48 are arriving. They need to hurry though or people are just not going to get crap until after the holiday.

Work is still very busy, which is strange as this is usually a slow down time. I’m getting tired. I think I need to take some vacation time. Just don’t know when.

On the MythTV box I switched from Debian/GNU Linux to Fedora Core as there is more documentation that is easier to find and an actual walk through. I thought it would save time, (I can learn how to do it some other time, right now I just need it taken care of and out of the way.) Last night I switched back to Debian. I was having so many issues with Fedora that it will be faster for me to just learn to install it the Debian way.

Busy weekend coming up. Melissa’s work Xmas party tonight, A long Saturday of Computer work on Sat for me, Scrapbooking in the Valley for her. Sunday an open house for and acquaintance of mine from work. One of those people you just always run into.