Happy New Ears

Fireworks+Dog+sheer terror / running around house panting(small bathroom for hiding behind toilet)+lack of sleep.

House is slowly getting cleaned.
Spending the day (probably the next week) doing back ups and moving the server downstairs to be built as a tivo/fileserver.
The back up is taking much longer than it used to. Transferring 100 GB of files over the network is not a good way to do this. I do believe it is time to order a new DVD burner. or maybe a spare harddrive.

The point of all this? to get rid of one PC, thus negating the need for one of the network switch boxes and thereby saving some more power while at the same time making it so we can watch whatever we ‘tape’ from any pc in the house. This will also free up daylight hours to work on the house, or go out.

First comes the errands though. Out to shop.