Happy Thanksgiving

One of my little sisters, (who apparently is not so little anymore as she is getting married this coming summer) Is spending her first Thanksgiving away from home. I would love to tell her it gets easier or that you get get used to it. The truth is it doesn’t. It gets harder every year. I’m grateful to have the family up here to go to though.
It does make you think and reflect.
Melissa and I were talking, and it occurred to me that I had never spent a Thanksgiving at my dads. Now that I’m sitting here I don’t think that’s correct. I can’t remember a thanksgiving at my mothers either. I assume I didn’t just vanish for 24 hours, so what did I do? I can vaguely remember every Thanksgiving for last 10 years. Is that my limit? will I not remember the first year I was up here? My roommates mother making dinner? wait wasn’t that Christmas? I can vaguely remember every Thanksgiving for last 9 years.

The typical What I’m thankful for list…
Melissa’s snoring woke me up at 4:30.
The cat is alive.
The dog is curled up on the bed.
it’s -2F outside (not inside)
I still giggle when I hear that there is still a Bush and a Dick in the white house.
The sun still shines
That my boss says, “there’s ham and cheese in the back for sandwiches” and you go back there to find she roasted a pig and robbed half of Wisconsin.
That just now when I couldn’t figure out how to turn off the radio on the clock in the bedroom that I forgot to switch off last night and even though she’s not really awake Melissa can still be a smart ass “are you having problems?”
The idiots that I deal with sometimes at work.
The normal people at work too.
I am truly thankful that I have become the type of person that when handed a bunch of lemons I say “Screw the lemon aid, I’m gonna make a battery”
I’m thankful I’ve learned to throw out or donate that which I no longer need.
That I’ve learned to listen, not just hear.
that I’ve learned my limits, and when I can increase them. you can’t exceed your limits people! That’s like giving 110% If you don’t understand what I’m saying, think about it harder. If it starts to hurt, stop.
I’m grateful that I am blessed with a good many true friends.
a good place to work
an ok house (it hasn’t fallen down yet)
a wonderful wife that came with wonderful in laws.
a family back in Michigan, who if they aren’t understanding, they at least smile and nod.
I’m even grateful for those that just grit their teeth and frown.
I love you all, happy Thanks giving.