The Good…

I get both Thanksgiving and The day after off.
The Bad.
The reason I get The next day off is because it’s Black Friday. That means nothing will get done, it will take me an hour to drive 3 blocks. People will be shouted at in a profane un-christmas like fashion. Four people will call and shout at me in an attempt to take out their frustrations from shopping in this Hell. These will be the only Four calls I get. So we close. I stay home as I am NOT going to venture out with the other idiots. Unless someone has a great deal on a flat panel TV.
The Ugly.
I get two days off, then the weekend; but I have nine days worth of work and a deadline of Monday.

It’s really all quite sick; my job. Towards the end of every month I stuff 2500 envelopes (4000+ in Dec and Jun) with a statement of an account, notices, fliers, reminders, and every 6 months little mailing lables that won’t fit in properly and seem to be soley created to screw with the postage meter. People being the stupid creatures that they are… this of course generates phone calls. My account isn’t right, When is this due, They haven’t plowed (not that it has snowed) so I’m not paying my bill. Plus many other complaints that have nothing to do with the statement, but they are reminded that they have an obligation to pay for common area utilities and services that they agreed to when they purchased their place and they don’t like it so they call to bitch any way they can.
It also seems to generate other calls, My grandson puked on that asshole neighbor. The guy across the court keeps peeing off his deck. I keep getting phone calls from political candidates, The evil electronic waves from the guys computer, clock, florescent lights, and wristwatch upstairs are going to give me cancer. Someone stole my car.
A lot of the call I get, really should be worked out among themselves. In a few cases I’ve had to tell them to call the police. Once I actually had to put the person on hold and call the fire department. I figured it was quicker than trying to explain to someone dumb enough to call us instead of them in the first place. As it was I had to tell her to leave the building. We called another home owner to pull the alarm.
What’s really sick is that just about the time the calls die down, I stuff the envelopes and start all over.