Got a lot done, yet..

There is still a mess everywhere.
The only bit left to do on Window Seat 0.95 is to sand and lacquer the poles. The bench layout works very well. It is very comfortable to lay on. The pad we used for the cushion is very firm and 5 inches thick. I can stand on it and my feet will not level out on to the bench itself. We got the thicker padding with the idea that it would be more comfortable to lay on. That part works. What we didn’t remember when we actually purchased the padding a few moths after starting the project, is that we designed the height for a 2 inch cushion. This making it also comfortable to sit on as a seat when the lid is upright. (I really need to take pics). Thus, once again, Beta winder seat.

Sat went to a friends to borrow his Kill o Watt meter to measure the power consumption in the house. The bill was too high all summer. So far I’ve been really surprised. The Server averages 65 Watts. It would be less if it would go into stand by mode. As it is I shut it down every night and it turns on auto magically in the afternoon. They talk about phantom power; appliance and electronics drawing power when they’re not on. So far what I’ve measured on the server is 4 W, on the bedroom PC 3W off (only 35W when on) the 20 in tv in the bedroom draws 10 Watts when plugged in. (around $1 a month) Same thing with the DVD/VCR thing. What surprised me is that the Cable box draws 35 Watts. On or off. So it’s costing me $5 for the electricity and $5 to rent the damned box. It is now getting unplugged unless we are using it. Mostly we won’t need the guide bit any how since when that TV is on it’s because we’re home sick in bed and flipping through the channels. Still have more things to play with.

Yesterday I worked on the garage cleaning again. I also got stuff ready for Big Brothers Big Sisters to pick up sometime around the 27th. There is still a lot to be done. It is really amazing to me that we can keep coming up with this much stuff every year. Where does it all come from? Definitely NOT the crawl space.