’tis feckin time for tea

I am slowly starting a new storefront for Plastic Paddy Pogue Promotional Paraphernalia and other oddities. I’m switching from Cafepress to Zazzle simply due to it having a much easier user interface. My though process was that since I was redoing the comics resolutions and updating logs, I might as well start from scratch. Thus far the nicest thing I run across is that I can have adult oriented products hidden behind an age disclaimer. My disappointment is that I cannot make a Plastic Paddy Phallus. I’ve also decided to just add random products to the store that may or may not have anything to do with the site. The fist of which is just in time for St. Paddy’s day and our American tradition of Plastic Paddy’ism.

Ireland Tri Colour Flag'tis feckin time for tea Mug back

There is the 10oz version with the Ireland Tri colour flag, but for those that have the need for a larger mug, there is also a Paddy Pogue ego sized option (20oz).

Paddy Logo 200z Mug'tis feckin time for tea

There are a few other things up currently such as golf balls, a poster, thong underwear… I hope to add a few more items as time goes on, but I did want to give a bit of a promotion on the mugs in time for the morning of the 18th in case they are needed.