Walking along

at some point in the last few months I just got fed up with being tired all the time and also not losing any weight. So I just started getting up earlier. I wasn’t exercising at first, just getting my fat ass out of bed. I had gotten so used to Melissa getting up really early to study that I would wake up and lay there. If I fell back asleep I probably needed it. if not, it stretch my back for a bit then get up and get on the computer for a bit before getting ready for work. Once she graduated, she stopped getting up near as early. This meant we also stayed up later which in turn meant we slept in longer. There is nothing wrong with this, it’s just a statement for background. Also over the last few years my allergies to the cat have gotten worse, or possibly I’ve paid more attention to them. Basically, once I lay down to sleep my sinuses start to fill my head and my nose swell up. This makes it really hard to get out of bed in the morning as my head has that “I’m sick with a bad cold” feeling. Bouts of insomnia kicking in just add to all this.

anyhow, at some point I start moving to the couch around 3 am,  for reasons we will not mention. I somehow developed this strange habit of getting up around 3, putting the kettle on and prepping the tea leaves for my morning tea and then going to lie on the couch to fall asleep until 5ish. I do not believe this was a conscious decision on my part.

This turned in getting up at 3, putting the kettle on, prepping the tea, laying onto the couch, falling back asleep. Then waking up and pouring the water onto the tea once the kettle clicked off, going back to the couch until about 5ish. This bit went on for a good few months with me occasionally waking up between the pouring and the 5ish not knowing where the fuck I was or still lost in whatever nightmare I had just had.

Now, on top of this, around December we moved into a new building at work. My desk is on the second floor. This means stairs and more exercise. We’ve also been getting much busier and had some regrouping of resources. Basically towards the end of December and January I did a lot of running around at work. I went from 4,000 steps a day to about 9,000 steps. (Google Fit). One day I noticed that my pants went on easier. At first I assumed the closet elves had let them out as a cruel gag, but the next morning I got on the scale and was down about 5 pounds. Turns out this was mostly due to my IBS having kick in over a few days because I gained it all back quickly. It was, however, another trigger.

So sometime in February I got up at 3 am, put the kettle on, prepped my tea, lied onto the couch and did not fall back asleep. When the kettle clicked off, I put on my socks, swapped my pj’s for shorts and got on the treadmill to start updating Plastic Paddy Pogue. Got 10 minutes in and ran back upstairs to get my tea, then continued on for about an hour. I’ve been doing this ever since. At some point Google fit nudged me to increase my goal to two hours of walking everyday so I said sure, why the hell not. About 3 weeks ago I got on the scale again and I was down to 249 from 265 at my peak. A few days later I was back up to 258. So now curiosity is kicking in because that’s either a fucked up scale or somehow I was carrying 9 pounds in my testicles since that was the only thing I could think of that could be used as a carrying case. They would certainly be acting as a magic bag of holding because it was cold in the bathroom. I decided I was better off tracking my calorie intake, so I got back onto lose it and updated my account. I thought about doing the same in the Wii Fit but that fucking animated scale seriously pisses me off.

Weekends. I have been eating far too much on the weekends. Also eating far too late. and waaaaaaaayyyyyyy too many carbs. like 75%. So I’ve changed my habits. The funny thing is I’m actually eating more food, just fewer calories and at better times of day. I’ve also somehow been pushing 3- 6 hours of activity. Right now I’m hovering around 244-246 with a normal 1-2 pound swing. I also feel a lot better.